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On Thursday, June 6, 2024, roughly 400 seniors will graduate from Elk River High School. Each year, the Safe Night Committee (formed of parents and other volunteers) hosts an all-night graduation celebration. This event provides a safe, chemical-free night of fun, food, games, prizes, and camaraderie for these graduates.


Throughout the year the Elk River Graduate Safe Night Planning committee hosts various fundraisers to help cover the costs for the event.



Have you heard of our herd?

There are a bunch of Elk, we have procured.

We will be moving them all around town,

You’ll never know where they might be found.

It’s all part of a fundraiser for our senior class.

We want the end of the school year to be a blast.

Money raised is going to the senior all night party,

held on the night of graduation.

The planning committee is preparing for a big celebration.

Don’t worry the herd won’t hang out long,

Just a day, maybe 2, so you can’t go wrong.


Have a yard you’d like the herd to visit?

Get it on the list, we will be sure not to miss it!

Simply click the link to below

 then you’ll choose where the herd needs to go.

There are only 50 different yards they can travel to,

before their time is through, so make sure to act soon.

The cost is just $30, but remember one thing,

You can always donate a little extra cha-ching:)


From the planning committee of the class of 2024,

We could not thank you more!

Yard Sign.jpg
Click Link Here to purchase 
Yard Sign.

Yard Sign $20.00 (plus $2 convenience fee)

 Quantities are limited

Pick-up will be at Sara's

please reach out to her to coordinate 763-300-0698

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